• Overview

    Our advisory service is geared to the individual narrative of each of our clients. Every journey to wealth has a different beginning and follows diverse pathways.

    Our advice is finely tuned to your particular circumstances and clearly aimed at achieving your desired objectives over the long term.

    We’re by your side through all wealth management matters, to ensure best-practice processes and optimal outcomes.

    We can assist you with everything from the active management of your portfolio to exploring ideas about specialist avenues of investment that are suited to your goals.

Meet Travis Pitt

Investment Advisor / Partner

“To me, wealth management is about trust; it’s the simple commitment to sit on the same side of the table as my clients, providing access to the most appropriate best-in-class investment solutions. This fits with Escala’s culture and is what attracted me to the firm, coupled with the opportunity to work in a collaborative environment alongside the industry’s best.”

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Meet Heidi Davies

Investment Advisor / Partner


“For me, the growth of my clients’ wealth is an important measure of my success. The other is giving them the comfort and security of knowing their interests are paramount.”


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Meet Kris James

Investment Advisor / Partner


“I was drawn to Escala because right from the beginning they were pursuing a new level of excellence in wealth management, with a commitment to delivering the highest standards of advice and conflict-free investment solutions. Our collegiate and team-based approach enables our advisors to leverage the diverse skills sets across the firm for the benefit of our clients and their individual needs.”

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Meet Juliana Rajkovic

Investment Advisor / Partner


“I was introduced to Escala just after the firm was founded and jumped at the chance to be part of an organisation that prided itself on achieving excellence for its clients. The experience of being part of the company from its infancy has been incredibly rewarding.”

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Meet Scott Carmichael

Investment Advisor / Partner


“The whole-of-life approach to client relationships means introducing expertise at a personal, not product level, which imposes considerable duty of care, and that is reflected in the level of service you provide, which in turn delivers the long-term satisfaction that a client can experience and enjoy.”


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Meet Ben James

Head of Advisory / Investment Advisor / Partner


“Working with clients to help them achieve their financial goals is incredibly rewarding, but to get there successfully requires a relationship built on trust and teamwork. The ability to do this is enhanced through Escala’s collaborative approach to investment advice.”


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  • Our Approach

    Getting to know our clients, combined with a robust yet flexible investment process, allows us to build trusting, long-term relationships as the basis for whole-of-life wealth management planning.

    Following detailed discussions to fully understand your needs and aspirations, we formulate an investment strategy to develop a personalised wealth management plan. Our advisory framework includes the core expertise to model diversified portfolios, access niche investments and manage risk.

    Where appropriate we also involve specialist teams, such as our Direct Investment Group who can provide you with access to institutional-quality investments that are not ordinarily available.

    The process then flows through to tailored portfolio construction, setting up and funding of accounts, tactical asset allocation, and continual monitoring and review of your plan.

    Looking ahead, we can collaborate with external specialists to assist our team as required in areas such as estate and succession planning, philanthropic advice, and intergenerational wealth transfer.

  • Benefits to You

    Our partners and advisors directly manage the firm, so we can focus on providing advice that puts your interests first. That’s because we are unencumbered by the constraints of proprietary products, corporate objectives and constricting industry relationships.

    We share our advisory and specialist skill sets across the firm to develop a comprehensive wealth management plan that is tailored to your needs.

    The planning of your portfolio is based on our CIO team’s robust investment process, involving extensive research and the continual monitoring of markets, economies, asset classes and fund managers. The data from this research is adopted consistently across the firm. It means you can rely on our team maintaining a calm, considered approach, even in times of short-term market volatility.

    Our sophisticated asset allocation process enables us to select from the entire range of asset classes across different geographical regions, including local and international equities, fixed income, alternatives and venture capital.

    This all results in the most appropriate investment portfolio for you, aimed at building and preserving your wealth into the future.

    Along the way, we provide you with easy access to fortnightly, monthly, quarterly and annual communications, covering areas such as financial markets, economics, asset classes and geopolitical news.

Discover More
  • Our Approach
  • Insights + News
  • ESG Investment

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